you knew i must disagree i played the 3 games and i've eneded them GoW
2,GOW i,GOW 2 and GOW 3 in the same order,i like challenges so i
didn't use any save except for the second time i played GOW 2, i say
they all very short,i ended them all in 3 days combined and except
with gow where i stayed till 8am of the next morning after being stuck
while going out of the water and escaping except those two
things the only thing i still remember is taking off that vampire
bitch of dm3 which did get easy after wood and i've played about all
games available(yes,most are pirated!);the only game i hated the most
is mgs thought it is just stupid, i would prefer to get against an
impossible i00 opponents then stealthing through one(eg hitman)


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