Hello to everyone on the list.   I am a newbie here, with a new issue.

First off, I successfully cross-compiled the Qt 5 Beta 2 sources for the 
BeagleBoard-xM.  I built on Ubuntu 12.04/Intel and targeted arm.  I followed 
the directions at:


(I used Narcissus image builder and the mkspec from gitorious.)

Although Qt5 Beta2 configure /make/make install went well, I am now having an 
issue cross-compiling a simple test Qt application.  When I try to specify:

QT += qml quick

in my .pro file, it causes a qmake error:

Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: quick qml

To get around the problem, I tried adding qml and quick to the mkspec, then re 
cross-compile, but it caused the same error during make.

Can anyone who is cross-compiling their program for BB-xM using the Beta2 
sources successfully specify qml and quick QT options, and get past this qmake 

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
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