Am 10.04.2013 13:45, schrieb Allan Sandfeld Jensen:
Perl, Python and Ruby, that is just the webkit build dependencies. Not much Qt
can do about that.

So, I do not need those if I configure Qt without webkit?

... ah, I forgot, there is a "-no-widgets" configure option, but no "-no-webkit"... :-(

Seems all other commercial customers (other than my collegues and me) are not using Qt mainly for desktop applications...

Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Rainer Wiesenfarth

Software Engineer | Trimble Imaging Division
Rotebühlstraße 81 | 70178 Stuttgart | Germany
Office +49 711 22881 0 | Fax +49 711 22881 11 |

Trimble Germany GmbH, Am Prime Parc 11, 65479 Raunheim
Eingetragen beim Amtsgericht Darmstadt unter HRB 83893,
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Frank Heimberg, Hans-Jürgen Gebauer

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