
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/pipe-operator-v2

Just a small pedantry note - in a comparison section, the RFC compares
this syntax to function composition. But this is not function
composition. This is a syntax sugar for calling two functions one after
another, not operator that produces a function. It sounds pedantic but
it's rather important distinction - if |> is composition, than $foo |>
$bar is a new callable provided $foo and $bar are callable (but no
function is actually being called here!). If |> is call syntax, it's
actually the result of calling $bar($foo).

So comparing it to function composition is a bit confusing. Otherwise it
looks OK to me, except the syntax for calling functions and methods is a
bit awkward, but it's not the problem of this RFC I imagine.

Stas Malyshev

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