On 5 May 2020 09:42:19 BST, Arvids Godjuks <arvids.godj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>So in my opinion, a better replacement for uniqid is needed - have it
>generate a bigger string with more entropy and better underline algorithm,
>but it being time-based should be a thing stiff. And do not call it a
>"random_string" or something, cause it's not that :)

A question just got posted on Stack Overflow asking for pretty much exactly 
what we've been discussing: https://stackoverflow.com/q/61634022/157957

You're right that the requirements for "random" and "unique" are distinct. 
Perhaps what we need is a unique_string function that allows you to specify the 
format (length and some control over allowed characters) and uses a mix of 
randomness and time (perhaps using the same time source as hrtime()?).

Then uniqid() could be deprecated, and anyone relying on its exact format could 
write a polyfill, while people wanting other formats wouldn't need to mess 
around with binhex, hexdec, etc.


Rowan Tommins

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