
> One of the primary reasons for many of us — or at least me — to want 
> more things in core is not listed above, and that reason is:
> - Standardization

Core and standardization are completely different things. There are a
lot of things in PHP that are being standardized out of core, and
putting something into core just for standardization is the wrong place
to do it.

To me, this feature clearly looks at something that belongs to
userspace, and magic that it introduces looks like it shouldn't be in
core but in some kind of module, or even better, IDE. Putting sematic
features like deprecation into runtime is not right, if deprecated code
got into runtime, putting out a warning each time it is run is useless.
If nobody looked at these warnings before they got to production, surely
nobody will look at them after.

Stas Malyshev

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