Hi Nikita,

> Why is the lower limit of the ini setting 15 and not 0?
> I just saw that you mention this possibility as "future scope".
> I don't think your reasoning there holds up if you take into account
> that we already introduced zend.exception_ignore_args in PHP 7.4 -- 
> and which is enabled by default in production.
> That removes argument information from exceptions completely.
> Setting the string parameter length to 0 still provides more information than 
> that.

I wasn't very familiar with what zend.exception_ignore_args did, so I missed 
You do have a good point - it may be useful in use cases where string contents 
should be completely hidden
but it's still useful to log arg types.

I updated https://wiki.php.net/rfc/throwable_string_param_max_len - the minimum 
is now 0,
and the suggested value in php.ini-production is now 0, and the default remains 
at 15.

phpdoc-en-git ±master » ag exception_ignore_args
34:   <literal>zend.exception_ignore_args</literal> is a new INI directive

Aside: I think that should be documented in 
https://www.php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.configuration.php or somewhere else.
Right now, the documentation isn't on php.net, just the changelog.

- Tyson
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