On Sun, Jul 10, 2022 at 10:07 PM Ayesh Karunaratne <ayesh@php.watch> wrote:

> Dear Internals,
> Historically, we have been using Travis CI for our automated tests,
> but since 2021 June, travis-ci.org has ceased operations, and no
> longer runs any builds. There was an Internals discussion
> (https://externals.io/message/112709) to move to the successor,
> travis-ci.com, but I don't think we ever moved there.
> Quoting Nikita from that thread:
> > We haven't been using Travis as our primary CI for a while already. We
> use
> > AppVeyor for Windows testing and Azure Pipelines for everything else. The
> > only thing Travis is still used for is a daily cron job that tests PHP on
> > "exotic" architectures like aarch64 and s390x. Having those builds is a
> > nice to have, but not particularly critical.
> As far as I see, Travis does not run php-src builds anymore; neither
> on push, nor on cron.
> https://travis-ci.org/github/php/php-src leads to a page that says the
> project was moved to travis-ci.com, and the linked page
> (https://travis-ci.com/php/php-src) throws a 404. I think we have now
> fully moved to GitHub Actions (thanks to amazing efforts by Ilija) +
> Azure Pipelines + Appveyor + Circle CI, so perhaps it's time we remove
> all the Travis-related code from php-src? I'd gladly volunteer for it,
> if we reach a consensus to remove it.

We use Travis CI to test architectures that are not available through other
CI providers, in particular aarch64 and s390x. Testing aarch64 is very
important, because we provide a JIT implementation for it. Testing s390x is
useful, because it is a big-endian architecture.

The build page you are looking for is
https://app.travis-ci.com/github/php/php-src. Just like other CI runs, it
is linked from GitHub's commit CI interface, so I'm not sure why you got
the impression that it does not run builds.

It's unfortunate that we need to use multiple CI providers, because a
single one does not offer all relevant architectures and operating systems
(Cirrus CI is used for their FreeBSD support).


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