On Wed, 5 Jul 2023 at 01:36, Kalle Sommer Nielsen <ka...@php.net> wrote:

> Hi Nuno
> Den tirs. 4. jul. 2023 kl. 22.30 skrev Nuno Maduro <enunomad...@gmail.com
> >:
> >
> > Hi Internals,
> >
> > I am writing to request karma privileges to vote on PHP RFCs.
> >
> > For those who don't know me, my name is Nuno Maduro
> > <https://twitter.com/enunomaduro>, and I am a member of the Laravel
> > <https://github.com/nunomaduro/> core team. I have been involved in
> > developing and maintaining various Laravel tools and framework features
> > that are widely used by companies worldwide.
> >
> > I'm also the creator and maintainer <https://github.com/nunomaduro> of
> > several popular open source projects like PEST <https://pestphp.com/>,
> > Insights, Laravel Zero, Collision, Larastan, Termwind, OpenAI for PHP,
> and
> > more. These projects have been downloaded millions of times and have
> made a
> > positive impact on the PHP ecosystem.
> >
> > As a speaker, I've had the opportunity to present at conferences in many
> > countries, including Laracons, PHP Italy, Forum PHP, PHP Serbia, PHP UK
> > Conference, PHPTek, and more. My talks usually revolve around the
> > open-source tools I've built, PHP, Laravel, and include live code
> > demonstrations.
> >
> > I believe having a Laravel core team member on the list of members with
> > voting rights would be incredibly valuable to the internals team. I have
> a
> > strong connection with the Laravel community, and I believe it's
> essential
> > to have their representation in the decision-making process.
> I too believe that it is important to have people involved in the
> decision making process, however if you are not an active participant
> of the internals community, then I cannot see how having voting rights
> will change anything. Searching the old archives I found 4 mails from
> 2021 (the first prior to this) in regards to an RFC of yours, 1 for a
> comment regarding a change suggestion and 3 from a first version of
> your RFC. Neither do I see any engagement or similar on our Github,
> Bug tracker (1 cosmetic change to the test runner) or similar projects
> within the PHP.net project umbrella.
> If you are only involved with the voting part but not the technical
> part, then I have a hard time seeing this being anything other than
> some badge of honor, sorry. While your resume is very impressive for
> sure, it does not tell me that you are involved with the internals eco
> system and take part of it, to me it looks like you just want to vote
> without investing more time in the internals community. I believe any
> reasonable person would have taken part of existing discussions and
> contributions within the PHP.net project. I would suggest to read
> Dan's reply and collect feedback if you feel that you are a
> representing the Laravel community and start there. We often hear
> feedback from other projects, but I cannot remember a recent time
> where Laravel representative gave feedback to a discussion or
> contributed (arguably my memory like most others is not the best).
> I cannot see how this should be granted at the current state
> --
> regards,
> Kalle Sommer Nielsen
> ka...@php.net

I totally understand that joining discussions more frequently is key to
granting someone RFC voting rights. I will definitely keep that in mind
moving forward and make an effort to participate in discussions.

In my head, I thought it would be interesting to include someone from the
Laravel team on the list of people with voting rights and didn't think that
participating in past discussions was "imperative" for it.

Anyways, thanks for the heads up! I will keep that in mind before
requesting voting rights again.


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