On 10 November 2023 23:27:35 GMT, Rowan Tommins <rowan.coll...@gmail.com> wrote:
>On 10 November 2023 16:51:57 GMT, Jakub Zelenka <bu...@php.net> wrote:
>>I would like to propose a new process RFC for updates to PHP release cycle:
>I started writing a suggestion that you add details to your RFC of what text 
>we would remove or change in the existing policy if approved - what you've 
>presented so far is like a good commit message, but we probably want a diff to 
>go with it.
>However, looking at the existing "policy", most of the things you want to 
>change aren't actually in it - it doesn't even contain the word "beta". It 
>also has parts that are obviously outdated ("Features can use branch(es) if 
>necessary" - because the project was using SVN, where branches are costly to 
>maintain), parts in the future tense, and even open questions (about who can 
>vote for RMs).
>So maybe what's really needed is to draft a new copy of the policy document, 
>updating or removing those parts that are no longer relevant, and adding a 
>timeline for the pre-release phases?
>Or possibly there's a different document I should be looking at, and the RFC 
>could contain proposed edits to that?

I already have been collecting most of the policy things together in one 


For the same reasons really. The info was spread out a lot.


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