On Thu, Nov 23, 2023 at 12:31 PM Robert Landers
<landers.rob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Internals,
> As you may know, an inherited method cannot reduce the visibility of
> an overridden method. For example, this results in a fatal error
> during compilation:
> class P {
>     public function hello($name = 'world') {
>         echo "hello $name\n";
>     }
> }
> class C extends P {
>     private function hello($name = 'world') {
>         parent::hello($name);
>         echo "goodbye $name\n";
>     }
> }
> However, we can make certain methods private anyway, namely,
> constructors (I haven't gone hunting for other built-in methods yet).
> This is perfectly allowed:
> class P {
>     public function __construct($name = 'waldo') {
>         echo "hello $name\n";
>     }
> }
> class C extends P {
>     private function __construct($name = 'world') {
>         parent::__construct($name);
>         echo "goodbye $name\n";
>     }
> }
> To my somewhat trained eye, this appears to violate the Liskov
> Substitution Principle, for example, this now can have hidden errors:
> function create(P $class) {
>     return new (get_class($class))();
> }
> proven by:
> $c = (new ReflectionClass(C::class))
>   ->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
> create($c);
> Even though we thought we knew that the constructor was declared public.
> I'd like to propose an RFC to enforce the covariance of constructors
> (just like is done for other methods), to take effect in PHP 9, with a
> deprecation notice in 8.3.x.
> I'm more than happy to implement it.
> Does anyone feel strongly about this one way or the other?
> Robert Landers
> Software Engineer
> Utrecht NL

Hi Robert,

Liskov and Wing explicitly exempted constructors in their original
paper describing the principle:

> 4.1 Type Specifications
> A type specification includes the following information:
> - The type's name
> - A description of the type's value space
> - A definition of the type's invariant and history properties
> - For each of the type's methods:
>     - Its name;
>     - Its signature including signaled exceptions;
>     - Its behavior in terms of pre-conditions and post-conditions.
> Note that the creators are missing. Omitting creators allows subtypes to 
> provide different creators than their supertypes. In addition, omitting 
> creators makes it easy for a type to have multiple implementations, allows 
> new creators to be added later, and re ects common usage: for example, Java 
> interfaces and virtual types provide no way for users to create objects of 
> the type.

(Creators is Liskov's word for constructors, which they later define
in the paper.)

Hope that helps.

- Mark Trapp

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