Hi Niels,

> They are indeed going to be very similar, but at least having better return 
> types would be good to give one particular example.
> e.g. we currently have a lot of methods that can return an object or false. 
> The current living DOM spec always throws exceptions instead of returning 
> false on error which is a much cleaner API.
> Furthermore, we have the DOMNameSpaceNode that can be returned by some 
> methods and has been a point of confusion for static analysis tools (I did a 
> PR on psalm to fix one of those issues).
> That node type won't be special cased in the new classes API so the 
> (inconsistent use of the) union of DOMAttr|DOMNameSpaceNode will go away.

Actually, I'm not sure it is supposed to be throwing exceptions (if we
look at https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#parse-errors);
in fact, I'd argue there are three different ways to handle errors
(from some experience in writing a parser from scratch):

1. Acting as a user-agent: in this case, errors should be handled as
described in the spec for a user-agent, e.g., switching to Text-Mode
in some cases and gobbling up the rest of the document.

2. Acting as a conformance checker: in this case, a list of errors
should be available to the programmer instead of bailing when parsing
(e.g., not switching to Text-Mode, but trying to continue parsing the
document, as described in the parser spec for conformance checking).

3. Acting as a document builder: Putting the document into an invalid
state should emit at least a warning. However, it's likely better to
let the user-agent handle the invalid DOM (as this is probably more
forward-thinking for new HTML that currently doesn't exist). This is
actually one of the biggest draw-backs to the current implementation
as it requires a number of "hacks" to build valid HTML.

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