Hi Frederik

> First off, please excuse me if I’ve done something wrong related to the usage 
> of the mailing list. This all is completely new to me.

Welcome to the internal mailing list! I had looked the pull request, and I'm 
pleased to have received your email promptly.

> Thank you, the link was originally on the text "on GitHub" but it seems to 
> have been stripped.

Since mailing lists are text rather than HTML, you cannot attach links to 

> I hereby want to propose a new fetch mode for PDO. I’ve detailed the 
> motivation for it on GitHub. I haven’t actually written the code for it, but 
> it should not be too difficult.

Now, I agree that it is often not possible to use `PDO::FETCH_CLASS` because DB 
column names are typically snake case and variables and properties are camel 

IMHO, passing arguments to the constructor in order is a good approach, but I 
think another option would be to give attributes to properties and map data 
appropriately when using PDO::FETCH_CLASS.

private string $userName;

In addition to the concerns mentioned in the pull request, I'm also concerned 
that more modes with similar functionality will confuse users.


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