On Tuesday, 27 February 2024 at 23:17, Larry Garfield <la...@garfieldtech.com> 

> I genuinely don't understand the pushback on $value. It's something you learn 
> once and never have to think about again. It's consistent.
> Ilija jokingly suggested making it always $value, unconditionally, and 
> allowing only the type to be specified if widening:
> public int $foo { set(int|float) => floor($value); }
> Though I suspect that won't go over well, either. :-)

Same, I don't understand the pushback on $value, for me this seems clearer and 
less confusing than the existing $this variable when I was first learning about 
And I would be in favour of just making it always $value, if people feel that 
strongly about being able to name it with a custom name they could propose this 
as a follow-up RFC.

One thing the RFC should note, which I would expect to be the same as the array 
cast, is how do backed/virtual properties interact with 

Best regards,

Gina P. Banyard

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