On Saturday, 11 May 2024 at 09:05, Juliette Reinders Folmer 
<php-internals_nos...@adviesenzo.nl> wrote:

> On 8-5-2024 15:40, Gina P. Banyard wrote:
>> I would like to formally propose my idea for exit() as a function brought up 
>> to the list on 2024-02-24 [1] with the following RFC:
>> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/exit-as-function
>> There have been some slight tweaks to the implementation, namely that the 
>> transformation from a "constant" to a function is done at compile time and 
>> we do not hook into the behaviour of constants any longer.
> No objections from my side, though, yes, PHPCS will need to be 
> updated/adjusted to work around this, but that's no biggie.
> When reading the RFC, there are two things about which I still have questions.
> 1. As things are, `exit` and `die` cannot be used as a label for a goto 
> statement.
> ```php
> goto exit;
> exit:
> echo 'exited';
> ```
> https://3v4l.org/fluuk and https://3v4l.org/cNMEW
> Will that change now `exit` would no longer be a reserved keyword ?

I had not thought about goto labels, but indeed it would be possible to use 
exit and die as goto labels with this RFC.
I have clarrified this change in the RFC text and added tests for this in the 

> 2. The RFC mentions the "old" semantics regarding type juggling for exit/die 
> - always cast to string - and it mentions that passing resources or arrays in 
> the new situation will become a TypeError, but that still leaves some room 
> for interpretation for the other types, in particular the handling of 
> booleans.
> How I read the RFC, the type juggling would change as follows (but I may well 
> be wrong!):
> | Param passed | Old | New | Consequences |
> |-----------------------|---------|-----------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | integer | integer | integer | No change, interpreted as exit code |
> | string | string | string | No change, interpreted as status message |
> | bool | string | integer | Was status message, now exit code |
> | float | string | integer | Was status message, now exit code, "Implicit 
> conversion from float to int loses precision" deprecation notice |
> | null | string | integer | Was status message, now exit code, "Passing null 
> to parameter #1 ($status) of type string\|int is deprecated" |
> | stringable object | string | string | No change, interpreted as status 
> message |
> | non-stringable object | string | TypeError | |
> | array | string | TypeError | |
> | resource | string | TypeError | |
> Might it be an idea to make all the type juggling changes explicit in the RFC 
> ? (and correct whatever I interpreted incorrectly)

I have done so, and fixed the one case you got wrong.

Best regards,
Gina P. Banyard

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