On Fri, 2008-01-04 at 17:41 +0100, Stefan Esser wrote:
> Good Morning everyone,
> one should not forget that type hinting has some clear advantages the
> anti type hinting advocates always try to forget...
> * the code gets smaller because not so many typechecks in every function


> * because the code gets smaller it is faster executed (userspace
> typecheck is slower than "engine-space")

Very true, type hinting would be many times faster than using is_int,
etc. which puts to rest any argument that type hinting will be bad for

> * without all these type checks the code gets easier to read

Yes, more concise and compact without manual type checking.

> * with type hints byte code optimizer can optimize the code far better
> -> faster execution
> * with type hints static analysing tools that check for
> bugs/vulnerabilities can perform far better (intra procedural analysis
> gives more information)

Also true. Applications like PHPDocumentor could make good use of scalar
type hints.

> Stefan Esser

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