Hi Jacob,

On Sat, 2008-03-08 at 01:50 -0600, Jacob Santos wrote:
> Anyway, I remember once upon a time a PHP extension which loaded PHP files 
> within the PHP extension MINIT or RINIT function. I had thought it was SPL 
> which 
> did this, but I appear to be wrong. Searching for material on the subject 
> only 
> brings up generic PHP Extension writing.

It's SDO in pecl, I think. But I don't think it's a good idea to execute
a script while still being in the startup. So you should do that

> I thought that php_execute_script() might work, but from the Extending and 
> Embedding PHP book, it is used within the context of Embedding and not 
> Extending 
> PHP.

Embedding means calling PHP code from some C app, in your case the C app
is an extension, but still, that doesn't matter.

You could use php_execute_script, the problem there might be that it
also executes auto_[pre|ap]pend files not only your script so it might
be better to use zend_execute_scripts.


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