On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 6:08 PM, Andrei Zmievski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Precisely. It was never a "secret", despite someone's paranoidal
>  proclaiments..

It was not a "secret" per se and someone was not paranoid, please stay
polite and respectful, thank you.

But, there is a huge difference between being paranoid and asking for
some kind of openness. The way things are getting done lately is
everything you want but open. Please point me to a post on internals
announcing the creation and availability (as anyone being able to
subscribe via a known form/mail).

The ICU project itself was indeed announced publically here:

and as said in this announcement, I expected it to be discussed in the
php-i18n list only:

"We intend to discuss it on the PHP Internationalization list -

I would appreciate respectful answers (thanks Tex, your post was a
model of respect even if I still disagree on some part, more later,
other may learn from you :).

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