
On Fri, 2008-04-11 at 16:07 -0400, (Wietse Venema) wrote:
> According statistics at nexen.net, PHP4 is now 68% of the installed
> base (8 years of deployment) and PHP5 is 32% (almost 4 years). The
> lesson I draw from this is that a major release every couple years
> would heavily fragment the installed base, and complicate support.

The problem with these stats is that they count the public available
installation base into account. There are many systems which simply run
without any change to anything you will find lots of outdated software
there. I have other stats about systems used when installing some piece
of software and there PHP 5 is > 60% which is a completely different
picture. So in summary: Statistics are nice, but not everything.

For fans of random statistics:
http://phpmyfaq.de/stats/svg/php_versions_minor_20080409230429.svg is
the chart for installations of the phpMyFAQ package since 2008/01/01.
(Counting only users who accepted sending their system information)


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