Amir Hardon wrote:
On Wed, 2008-07-16 at 06:45 -0700, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
Arvids Godjuks wrote:
>  Hello.
>  I think this should be optimized.
>  I'm not an expert ofcourse, but as I understood there is only one case
>  witch need a special treatment - require/include _one when a file with
>  equal contents is included from different directories.
>  You can make a switch witch controls if lstat is made or not in these
>  cases. People who know what they are doing will switch it to off and
>  make sure their includes don't result in Fatal error (anyway, to my
>  opinion it is bad desing if such thing happens).
>  Ofcourse open_basedir users will don't have any benefit from it, but
>  that's their choise.
>  So I think you should think it out and make this optimization to 5.3
>  release. It would be great optimization, IMHO.

But all these lstats should be getting cached, so I don't see how it
would affect performance very much.  If you are blowing your realpath
cache, you need to take a look at why that is happening.

We probably should disconnect clearstatcache() from the realpath_cache,
and we could perhaps look at doing partial path caches through our own
realpath implementation.  The other thing that can suck is when you have
an include_path miss.  We don't cache misses like this, so if you are
relying on include_path to find your files and you don't hit it on the
first try, you are going to see a bunch of stats.  But that is again
something that is easily fixed by not writing crappy code.

I think that breaking code that looks like this:

require_once './';
require_once '';
require_once '../';
require_once 'includes/';

when these all refer to the same file depending on where the
parent file is and what the coder had for breakfast that morning would
be a very bad idea.


Since the realpath cache is only relevant for a single request(right?),
removing these lstats
calls will a major benefit.

No, of course not. It would be a useless cache if that was the case. The cache spans requests.

Before moving our portal dir to the / dir, ~40% of our page requests
were slow on the server side (I'm not sure if my company policies allow
me to expose exactly what is considered slow),
after moving it ~20% of the page requests were slow! this is significant.
And there are still many lstat calls made inside our portal's directory

Yes, you need to figure out why you are not hitting the cache, or why you are seeing so many lstat calls. There are 3 main possibilities:

1. You have a crapload of files and they simply won't fit in the cache. Increase your realpath_cache size to address this.

2. Something somewhere is calling clearstatcache() often.  Don't do that.

3. You are relying on include_path to find your files and you are always missing the file on the first couple of tries. Hint, it is a good idea to get rid of "." from the beginning of your include_path and always use "./" to include something from the current directory instead of having include_path do this for you. That lets you put some other path first in the include_path and you can then include "path/" and have that be relative to the first path in your include_path. And make sure all your include_path includes are relative to that first path. Never include something that will hit the second component of include_path.


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