On 18.07.2008, at 01:23, Moriyoshi Koizumi wrote:


Attached are the patches that allow the "use" statement that was introduced with closures to appear within every function statement except method definitions. I think this feature is a good addition because it resolves inconsistency between closures and unticked functions. In a nutshell,

I talked to Johannes, given that the thread has not garned much attention (maybe with this reply this will change) and the fact that since quite some time we have instead tried to encourage people to leverage $GLOBALS instead, it does not seem like we need to squeeze this new syntax into 5.3 so shortly before the feature freeze (I guess you get what you deserve by allowing closures in so late before the feature freeze?).

If we get feedback that end users that are new to PHP feel like they expect this syntax when they are exposed to closures we might want to add this in 5.4/6.0?

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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