
On Thu, 2008-07-31 at 11:48 -0500, Matt Wilmas wrote:
> Ugh, I hate that reference/recursion stuff!  I have a hard time following
> what's happening, and am not sure how some of those checks, etc. even work
> in php_array_merge() (which I was working from). :-/  I tried changing a few
> parts, and unfortunately couldn't fix it.  I will look at it further when I
> have some more time, and will of course let you know if it's fixed.  Sorry.
> :-(

I think I found a think: you're iterating over src and src_entry, but
doing the recursion check using Z_ARRVAL_PP(dest_entry)->nApplyCount, I
didn't test it (need food first) but should do that with src_entry.

That's at least where I'd poke around, can you try that, else I'll dig
around there, after having some food :-)


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