
At first time, it was a bug in the useful xdebug, and I follow it to the PHP code <http://bugs.xdebug.org/bug_view_page.php?bug_id=0000340>.

When exception::$message, exception::$line are not of the initial type, it segfaults (for strings) or display non-predictible data. The next snipset for test :


class my_file
        public  function __toString()
                return "somebuildfilename" ;

class my_exception extends exception
        public  function __construct()
                $this->message = new stdclass ;
                $this->file = new my_file ;
                $this->line = "12" ;

throw new my_exception ;


I attach a patch that correct the segfault. Diff was produced with this line : diff php5.3-200808141030{,-lupus}/Zend/zend_exceptions.c

  Regards, Mickaël.
Mickaël Wolff aka Lupus Michaelis
> 				convert_to_string(file) ;
> 				convert_to_long(line) ;
> 		convert_to_string(str) ;
> 		convert_to_string(file) ;
> 		convert_to_long(line) ;

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