On 23.09.2008, at 14:02, Lars Strojny wrote:

Hi Michael,

Am Montag, den 22.09.2008, 20:17 +0200 schrieb Michael Wallner:
I wonder what the general opinion is on adding pecl/http to the main PHP distribution? Many people have poked me in the past, so I guessed it's
time to ask me and you that question once for all.

I would like to see pecl_http in just not in 5.3. I think we are too far in the release process to do the required work to add it. And API review
would be required (I didn't looked at it closely but is), general code
review and so on. Of course I do not speak for our release managers, but
I would say "yes, but".

I have not talked to Johannes about this, but unless there is a major major major outcry from the internals folks to add it, its too late for 5.3.

That being said, there is some overlap in features with existing functionality. Maybe if we schedule this for PHP 6, then we might want to mark a few things as deprecated in PHP 5.3.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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