On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 12:24 AM, Jani Taskinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Mike R wrote:
>> Nathan Nobbe wrote:
>>> Michael Wallner wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I wonder what the general opinion is on adding pecl/http to the main
>>>>> PHP
>>>>> distribution?  Many people have poked me in the past, so I guessed it's
>>>>> time to ask me and you that question once for all.
>>>> +1
>>> +1
>> FWIW, ditto.
>>  no to insult, but i find the curl api a bit painful.  the http extension
>>> is
>>> a lot more api friendly for us oo folks out there.
> So pecl/http is actually ext/curl with OO API?

for the most part, yes (i know it requires libcurl to build), but it has a
set of functions in the global scope as well, like http_put() and

Why not merge the two then..? Or rather, replace ext/curl with pecl/http
> once latter has BC API for us non-oo folks out there..

im not sure the global function set in pecl/http interact w/ each other as
do those in ext/curl.  the two sets of functions may be mutually exclusive,
but i suspect there could be some BC breakage in a merge of the two


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