Hi Steph

2008/10/18 Steph Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> That wouldn't be the right thread to discuss the merits of a solution,
>> anyway. This thread is about the tally, and I'm trying to interpret
>> it.
> I did actually keep tabs on this. Yes the choice of separator played a part
> for many. However there were just as many who were happy with it - and the
> same would have applied whatever separator was used.
> However, the public part of this debate is over now. The Big 3 are very
> aware of the tally and are very capable of drawing their own conclusions
> from it. Everyone else on internals@ never wants to read 'the N word' ever
> again.

This is where you propose we have a php.internals.ns list for
namespace discussions, which (hopefull) will leave internals clean
after 5.3 :)

> I strongly suggest we all drop it and let them debate amongst themselves in
> peace for a while ;)
> - Steph
> --
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Kalle Sommer Nielsen

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