2009/1/16 Pierre Joye <pierre....@gmail.com>:
> hi
> On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 6:27 PM, Karsten Dambekalns <kars...@typo3.org> wrote:
>> Oe example with 229 characters:
>> /Users/karsten/Sites/typo3v5/Data/Temporary/6e7991cd3e3f10e110df4a26825c1f8c/_www/Cache/Testing/Tags/%CLASS%F3_Widget_Persistence_MessageQueuePersistenceAspect/FLOW3_Reflection-F3_Widget_Persistence_MessageQueuePersistenceAspect
>> For deeper nested namespaces this will get longer, add some deeper directory
>> structure at the start and - bang.
> With such naming, you are likely to hit this issue anyway, no matter
> the OS. Think about one having his host directories in deeper level,
> for example, or the hostnames use some lengthy values/names?
>> Now, I never ran into problems with paths being too long for anything I
>> tried on Linux or Mac, so what limits exist? Admittedly I never thought
>> about that much. Given we live in a world of terabytes I'd expect names to
>> be virtually as long as I want. :)
> It is system dependent and there is many values.
>>> Btw, what do you do when the path len of the path where the cache is
>>> stored is closed from MAXPATHLEN (PHP_MAXPATHLEN in userland)? Given
>>> than MAXPATHLEN can be between 260 and 2048 (~), that' can happen
>>> easily.
>> Never heard of that constant, thanks for pointing it out. The documentation
>> doesn't explain it, is there some background information available
>> somewhere?
> it reflects the internal constant MAXPATHLEN, which is defined at
> compile time (per os/system).

As of 5.3, the MAXPATHLEN constant is available in userland as
PHP_MAXPATHLEN btw (without having read the whole thread) :)

>> So, in the best case we hit the roof at ~2k? Good to know...
> Keep in mind that the _complete_ path has to fit in there, not only
> the last part (your cache name). I think you should rethink a bit the
> naming of your caching system, that'll save you some troubles soon
> later.
> About the 260 limit on windows, we may find an efficitent solution to
> increase it in a safe way, but I don't have one at hand right now. I
> have to think more about that and see what can be done for 5.3 (which
> supports XP+ only, which means NTFS in the most cases).
> Cheers,
> --
> Pierre
> http://blog.thepimp.net | http://www.libgd.org
> --
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