On 15.02.2009, at 17:18, Marcus Boerger wrote:

Hello Stanislav,

Friday, February 13, 2009, 7:03:30 AM, you wrote:


it should actually be a hard error. As we always claim PHP follows pure
IS-A relation ships.

I feel very uneasy with hard errors on something that is not indeed an error preventing engine from continuing. I.e. my (personal) opinion is
that if the engine can move forward, even with some assumption, it
should. IMHO it's like having undefined variables, etc. It makes PHP
less strict, but I'd say it's not necessarily a bad thing.

Hard as in E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR of course, since you are right that the
engine indeed can continue.

Thats almost as useless. If you make it E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR .. it essentially prevents people from modifying the method signatures in a non academic OO manner, which I think is not the point of PHP. E_STRICT reminds people that they are doing the wrong thing in academic terms, which however might very well make sense in business terms non the less.


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