Hi Johannes

2009/5/11 Johannes Schlüter <johan...@php.net>:
> (re-sending, sorry if this arrives twice)
> Hi,
> This should be low risk as it's a self-contained function and we all est
> HEAD ... but I'd prefer not adding anything but bug fixes to 5.3 as it
> already took way too long.

We can always just merge it in 5.3.1 if your fine with it, seems
stupid to have a method there in a branch which isn't anywhere soon
(but hopefully im wrong), but nonetheless.

> Didn't take a look at the code so can't say much
> At least getClosureThis() depends on $this handling which was reverted
> from 5.3.
> Not sure what getClosure() does.

As said on irc, then yea getClosure() can be used to create a closure
of the function instance:

function greet($who) {
 echo 'Greetings ' . $who;

$rf = new ReflectionFunction('greet');
$greet = $rf->getClosure();


I will have a look and reply to Christians mail once I've read and
understood the $this handling with closures, but I sort of see why its
not reverted there yet.

> We have no real namespace meta-data available, the only way doing things
> there would be by iterating over the class table and parsing the class
> names. Not usre that's really a good thing to do.

It just seems odd that we have reflection for almost class, function
etc. elements but not namespaces, whereas it could be so simple as:

class ReflectionNamespace {
 public $name;
 public $absolute_path;

 public function __construct($absolute_path_or_inherited_name);
 ReflectionClass[] public function getClasses();
 ReflectionFunction[] public function getFunctions();
 array public function getConstants();
 int public function getLine();
 string public function getFile();
 bool public function isAutoLoaded();
 /* etc */

And then change inNamespace() to return:
ReflectionNamespace public function inNamespace()

or add an additional parameter/method to do so.

> I was under the impression this was possible, or is it only printed by
> export()?

I see it being printed in _extension_string(), but I don't see any
other references to how you may obtain that value. But if you like I
can add it (perhaps together with getDefaultValue) in 5.3.1.

> I don't think this belongs to that class as these values should match
> the one PHP was compiled with, so I think this should be a global
> function.

After looking some more on it, then I agree, however the
isDynamicLoaded might be somewhat useful.

> johannes

Kalle Sommer Nielsen

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