(Please direct me elsewhere if necessary, this is a feature request)

It would be handy to allow a method to behave differently based on who is
calling it. 
the function I am looking for would essentially do this: 

function getCaller(){
        $bt = debug_backtrace();
        return $bt[2]['object'];
But of course, there is a lot of uneccessary processing with that call. 
Perhaps it could be implimented similar to "self" and "parent" (actualy
more like "static") keywords.

So you could do:
public function registerMe() {
        if( ! (caller instanceof 'my_interface')) throw new dev_execption();
        if( ! ($this->authenticateMod(caller))) throw new 
not active');
        $this->loadedMods[caller->module_id()] = caller;
        return caller->onLoad();

Chris Trahey
Web Applications Developer
Database Administrator
CSISD [Technology]

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