On Sun, October 3, 2010 6:18 pm, Stas Malyshev wrote:
>> $a = new stdclass;
>> $a->prop = null;
>> $b = new stdclass;
>> $b->prop2 = null;
>> var_dump($a>  $b); //false
>> var_dump($a == $b); //false
>> var_dump($b>  $a); //false
> That's because there's no total ordering of generic objects that can
> make sense. Only very specific objects - such as ones representing
> numeric qualities or having numeric properties - can be ordered, most
> of
> objects are unordered. And comparing objects with scalars
> automagically
> might bring a lot of surprises as nobody really expects $a == $b and
> $b
> == $a to be different now.

If you make == not reflexive, I'd be pretty cranky... :-)

HOWEVER, here's an idea from left field...

If PHP is comparing OBJECTS and cannot discern an ordering, perhaps
returning NULL instead of FALSE would make sense.

I have NO IDEA if this is do-able, sensible, or reasonable...

It just struck me that when PHP doesn't "know" $a < $b should be
TRUE/FALSE, returning NULL instead would be a "reasonable" course of
action, from this naive scripter's POV.

brain cancer update:

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