On Mon, October 18, 2010 2:45 am, mathieu.suen wrote:
> On 10/15/2010 07:26 PM, G M wrote:
>> Okay so I am thinking about submitting a patch to PHP that would
>> enable you to call functions like this:
>> stuff(1, 2, 'separator' =>  '<br>', 'clean' =>  true);

When I suggested this to Ze'ev in PHP 3.x -> 4.0 days, I believe his
response ran along the lines of "running away screaming into the

After a decade of reflection, I think it over-complicates PHP, which
we don't really need.

Just pass in an array with whatever parameters you want, and tear it
apart in the function.

You can @document that array in any way you choose, naming all the
valid keys, and what they ought to be.

brain cancer update:

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