On 15 June 2011 17:23, Stas Malyshev <smalys...@sugarcrm.com> wrote:
> Hi!
>> With pecl/http (DEV-2 branch) and the Functional extension (on github)
>> both creating namespaces within the extension, I think there is a
>> requirement for a mechanism to allow an extension to record the
>> namespace(s) that it has, in a similar fashion to how functions and
>> classes are known to core.
> There's no such thing as "registered namespaces", at least in the engine.
> Namespace is just a part of class/function name. You could enumerate
> classes/functions and split their names, but I'm not sure for what such list
> will be useful. Could you explain?
>> But, trawling all the classes and functions, extracting and
>> aggregating the namespace would really not seem to be the way to go.
>> And that wouldn't take into account the user defined namespaces.
> Again, there's no such thing as list of user defined namespaces, at runtime.
> You'd have to go through all classes/functions and split their names. Again,
> I'm not sure what would be the use of it.

Currently, I can find the names of functions, classes and interfaces -
be they from an extension or userland code.

But I can't get namespaces, or their aliases.

I'm not totally sure of any other use. That's why I was asking.

As (or if) more extensions start to use namespaces to protect their
contents from name collision, we are probably going to have namespace
collision before long.

Richard Quadling
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