
I am new to the list and just got done doing a search through the archives to try and get an idea on where things stand in regards to annotation support in PHP. Although I did find some interesting debates, I was not really able to conclude one way or the other what the plan is.

I've noticed some patches that have been submitted to the rfc wiki which have been declined, and I am seeing a lot of mixed feelings on whether or not PHP 'should' support them.

What is the official position on annotations? I for one would really like to see this supported. I have been experimenting with annotations/interceptors in my framework for the last year or so, and I love them. The only problem I have is performance - this needs to be handled in the core.

One thing I figured I would mention, is it seems like most people want annotations to be part of the reflection package. While this makes sense in the context of annotations, I think this would prevent annotations from being used as the foundation to interceptors, since a class level interceptor would need to get executed before the intercepted class is instantiated. As I understand reflection to work today, this would not be possible.

I'm more than happy to contribute to an extension with those who share similiar feelings.

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