
2011/7/10 Nikita Popov <nikita....@googlemail.com>:
> On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 11:37 PM, Lars Strojny <l...@strojny.net> wrote:
>> Very good find of an inconsistency. Does the testsuite reveal something
>> strange with that patch?
> I didn't test that patch, just found it in the bugtracker.
> cel...@php.net would be a better person to ask, as he wrote it. But
> just from glancing at it I could imagine that it would break
> token_get_all() as CG(active_class_entry) wouldn't be set
> appropriately (though that's just a guess).

Yes, you are right. We cannot rely on CG(active_class_entry) data.

I'm against this patch, because we will just add more inconsistency.
Allow reserved words in method name, OK. But what about class
name/namespace name etc?

And in the begin of thread the topic was type name as class name,
nothing to do with methods.

Felipe Pena

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