On Jul 18, 2011, at 7:39 AM, Daniel Convissor wrote:

> Hi Folks:
> We all want to see Magic Quotes go away.  Discussions on this list indicate
> several people are concerned with doing this in a safe and orderly
> manner. [1][2]  To this end, I have posted an RFC at
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/magicquotes_finale
> Please read it through, think about it, then post your opinions to the
> mailing list.

I'm not sure about the version change cycle (5.4 vs 5.5 vs 6.0), but regarding 
this part of the RFC:

  "'removal' What do people think should happen here? Please discuss."

That's a key point as it's not a simple matter, especially considering several 
functions and settings exist. I reckon we all now agree that 
should remain but return false. But for example, what about people who use
set_magic_quotes_runtime() and set it to false? Should we punish these people
for the sake of a cleaner break from our beloved magic quotes? Maybe. I think 
the current patch would simply remove it. Where is the current patch, and what 
does it do?

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