Adam Harvey wrote:
I share Richard's concerns about finding out "what is the real one"/best
>  one/latest one.
I didn't understand the problem when Richard first posted, and I still
don't now, to be honest. The canonical repository is the one the Web site points to. Surely it's not any harder than that?

In theory - yes ... as long as there is an agreed way of pushing/pulling other peoples changes back into the 'master' copy. It is a matter of 'management' of who does that process?

The Hg code base is probably a good example of the potential problems ... ( and git is little better? ) ... You get the CORE software from mercurial, but the extensions are all over the place, and it's those that make it work for many people.

PHP has the potential of falling into the same 'trap', since extensions such as the ones Derick highlights are just the tip of the expansion areas, and while the core code can be ring fenced, some of the pecl and other extensions could be managed in third party repos which as highlighted, could potentially be more up to date than the original code from which it was forked.

Once you have a local copy, doing your own thing, and just pulling in the changes you like is nice - except you are not running a 'standard' distribution. I feel there should be a better distinction between 'managing the code' and building a released distribution? Some projects are using 'clone' as a way to remove the need to create a stable release, and that I feel is wrong?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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