On Tue, February 21, 2012 11:49 pm, Deepak Balani wrote:
> I am think(actually drafting) about the compilation system of PHP
> scripts.
> I want to make a native C extension which is able to compile the
> scripts in
> the Zend Engines opcodes and execute directly when called.
> The extension may have two functions.
> bool gpc_compile($source, $target): compile file to opcodes.
> mixed gpc_import($target) Include file to current script.
> gpc_import function accepting path to the compiled file and execute
> file
> into the zend engine. I want to know perception of you all about this.

It sounds intriguing to me, if it can work reliably...

But what advantage is this over an opcode cache, really?

Now, if you could compile it to binary with `make` that would be
REALLY interesting :-)

brain cancer update:

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