On Mon, February 27, 2012 9:20 am, Anthony Ferrara wrote:
>> I have to say that no matter how much a luv my OOP, turning every
>> built-in type into an Object is just a Bad Idea...
>> It's a form of bloat on RAM and CPU with minimal added value, imho.

> Re-read what I had written.  I never said to turn every built-in type
> into an object.  In fact, what I was talking about was keeping and
> preserving the base types as-is.  All that I was proposing was adding
> the ability to cast from and to the primitives.  That way you could
> silently convert back and forth as needed (transparently when
> possible).

I apologize that my brevity has been misconstrued.

You are certainly free, even with the tools available in PHP, to
"wrap" an object around integers, strings, and so on.

There may even be occasions where I think that would be a Good Idea (tm).

What I object to is building such a facility into core PHP, because:

1) You can already do it in userland, and I believe that's where it

2) It unnecessarily [see 1] complicates core PHP, whose major
strengths that drive its success includes its simplicity.

>> No matter which way you twist this pretzel:

I had hoped that this bit would hint that all the proposals along
these lines, including yours, are proposals I would vote against, even
though I did over-blow your actual proposal.

>> -1

> So what it sounds like you're -1ing to, is not actually what was
> proposed...
> I'm starting to work on a patch for this as a proof of concept...

Please do so!

I'll still vote -1, but obviously others will vote as they see fit.

All these ideas are welcome.  The ones with complete patches even more
so, as they allow a true idea of what the change would mean.

Unfortunately, however, I must repeat that, so far, the idea has
always fallen flat on its face when the proposer actually attempts to
put action into deed, making a patch that fully meets their proposal.

That doesn't mean you can't succeed, if you are more skilled than all
your predecessors.

brain cancer update:

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