On Tue, February 28, 2012 8:40 pm, Anthony Ferrara wrote:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/object_cast_magic

Rename __castTo as __castObject, to be parallel to engine

Is there no need to implement the get() function in userland?
It "feels" wrong for 1/3 to be missing, but I probably just don't "get

The const example seems quite contrived, given that a) it's allowed to
be unset() and b) PHP has define()

I believe that particular example weakens the RFC rather than
strengthens it.

Re: your conversation with Stas:
I have to agree with Stas.

In short, there is "complexity" and "complexity squared" and this just
seems like "complexity squared" for a handful of edge cases that only
provides syntactic sugar / less typing versus a new feature that is
needed to achieve a goal that currently can't be done.

If it made it possible to achieve the impossible, or even just
simplified your code without such a wide scope for abuse by people who
only think they know what they are doing...

brain cancer update:

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