On Fri, March 2, 2012 4:26 am, Ferenc Kovacs wrote:
> If we can agree upon the next version number beforehand, and we decide
> that
> we will go with the major release (be that php 6 or 7, whatever), we
> don't
> to do anything right now, we can branch the version from trunk/master,
> when
> the time comes.
> If we can't agree upon the next version number, or we agree upon that
> there
> will be an 5.5 version, I think it would make sense to create a branch
> for
> it ASAP, so there is place (trunk/master) for the approved but
> backward
> incompatible changes, and people don't have to hold patches.
> What do you think?

If I was in charge, and thankfully I'm not, I'd just create 5.5 and 6.0

If you have patches that don't break BC, put them in both. If you're
too busy to do both, put it in 6.0  Somebody will back-port or not,
based on their relative need/availability or not.

If it breaks BC, put it in 6.0

Or perhaps I misunderstand the tiny bit I thought I "got it" of the
point of using Git in the first place...

Branches and merges are supposed to be seamless, right???

brain cancer update:

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