On Sun, March 18, 2012 6:35 am, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 18.03.2012 10:14, schrieb Lester Caine:
>> I think what I am probably looking for is a clean guide as to how
>> code SHOULD be written nowadays in order to avoid
>> the nanny messages since it's certainly not my normal practice after
>> 10 years of coding in PHP5 ...

I once worked with a team that didn't believe in E_NOTICE...

I turned it on, and flooded the logs on a shard DEV.

I turned it off.  Copied the source to my own box, ran it with
E_NOTICE, did some grep/sed/awk mumbo-jumbo to find the most common
messages, fixed those, and committed them.

And found, corrected, and closed about 5 long-standing bugs in the

They started to think maybe I was on to something here... :-)

We turned E_NOTICE back on at that point, as it was only an odd script
once in a while that went to the logs.  Or new code from that one guy
who still didn't quite "get" it for awhile... He came around after we
fixed a couple of his newly-introduced bugs that were triggering

brain cancer update:

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