On Fri, April 27, 2012 1:51 pm, Pierre Joye wrote:
> hi!
> On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 8:40 PM, Stas Malyshev
> <smalys...@sugarcrm.com> wrote:
>> Alternative means rewriting all the code. On top of framework
>> previously
>> not used in the project, with different APIs, different approach to
>> IMAP, etc. This is a large piece of work, for many projects -
>> totally
>> unnecessary as ext/imap work for them right now.
> I think you over estimate the complexity to move something to a clean,
> maintained, user friendly API from a over complex, buggy and
> unmaintained extension and library (which can kill requests under
> certain circumstances too).

I think you are over-estimating my bandwidth to take on such a task. :-)

>> That provided the person in question actually owns the code, not
>> just
>> runs the app. In the latter case he has no options to upgrade at
>> all.
> Again, 2015! That's not now, not tomorrow but 2015!

I have an imap script running server-side to filter my email and knock
out a whole bunch of spam that SpamAssasin doesn't catch.

It's been running in a cron job since at least July 15, 2004

That's just the earliest mod-time file I can find in the directory...

It's been running longer than that, actually.
I set it up when Eudora was taking too long to download my email.
And Eudora was free.
And ad-free.
So that's probably pre-2003, if I'm reading Wikipedia correctly.

I add a new folder and edit the script or set up an alias and edit the
script or find a new annoying pattern and edit the script...

It's currently at 1065 lines of code, most of which are mailbox
filtering or patterns to kill spam.

It's been working fine for 8 years.

I don't really care if it dies in any given run.
It's going to run again in 10 minutes anyway.

I dunno what 8 years time 10 minutes is, but that's an awful lot of
times it worked just fine.

I don't have time to change it, it's running all on an internal
network at my webhost, so security is not a real concern.

I'd have to plead "No"

brain cancer update:

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