On Wed, April 11, 2012 12:25 am, Stas Malyshev wrote:
> Hi!
>> I'm sure you have seen the same code in JSON hijack countermeasure.
>> while(1){}
> I think you misunderstood what I means. What I meant is you can inject
> code without <? the same way you can inject code with <?, so where's
> the
> improvement?
> kill() function would be just an example of code being injected by
> hostile third party (intent on killing your server, presumably). If I
> can inject it with <?, what prevents me from injecting without <? ?

Actually, it makes it worse.

I can search for '<?php' (no short open tags) or '<?=' and reject
without the new feature.

Without the new feature, no easy way to detect it contains PHP code.

brain cancer update:

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