On Mon, June 4, 2012 2:08 pm, Marc Easen wrote:
> I have submitted a patch to support negative indexs in strings, as per
> the conversation adding them to arrays could possibly detract from the
> syntactical sugar they are indented to be.
> In summary:
> An alternative to:
> $var = 'abc';
> echo $var[strlen($var) - 1];
> Can be:
> $var = 'abc';
> echo $var[-1];

This seems simple enough for a hard-coded -1, but...

Would $var[-2] be strlen($var) - 2 and so on?

And then one would expect some rather complex logic to compute -N for

At that point, this becomes a pretty big WTF, imho.

I've never honestly felt it to be a big burden to use strlen($var) -
1, so I don't really see the point, at least for me.

brain cancer update:

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