On 24/09/2013 17:12, Daniel Lowrey wrote:
> An inability on your part to write working code doesn't equate to "PHP
> should implement this for me"

I am not the tone police, but I don't think such comments are helpful.

Let me be clear: I'm not suggesting we should ignore useful functionality
because of poor design decisions made in the past but I am saying that we
should avoid compounding those mistakes by building on top of them. Would a
$_PUT superglobal be helpful? Sure. But is it a good solution to underlying
problem? Not really.

Indeed. I think what we really need is something like $_REQUEST but for the request body exclusively ($_BODY). We'd then have $_GET for query parameters and $_BODY for request body (POST, PUT, PATCH, etc.) parameters. While at it, why not add a better version of $_GET which doesn't replace certain characters with undescores?

Andrea Faulds

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