On 18.08.2014 14:53, Pierre Joye wrote:

On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 2:44 PM, Marc Bennewitz <php@mabe.berlin> wrote:

On 17.08.2014 22:18, Sara Golemon wrote:

On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Marc Bennewitz <php@mabe.berlin> wrote:

I've created a draft RFC and patch to change the behavior of non-strict
string to string comparison to be binary safe (as the strict comparison
operator does):


If I understand your goal correctly, you seem to want to change a very
fundamental (and ancient) behavior of the language even though
mechanisms already exist to do what you describe as the "changed

What exactly is wrong with ===, strcmp(), etc..?

The question isn't "What's wrong with ===, strcmp()?" but "What's wrong with
==, <, >?".

And the answer is: not strict and why === exists.

Non-strict comparison should do conversion to make both operands comparable. It should not convert both operands into a third unrelated type that wasn't mentioned.

Btw. The RFC doesn't handle == and === the same because == *do* type-juggling but only if both operands are not on the same type.

strcmp() isn't the same behavior as it first converts both operands into a string.


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