On 16 Sep 2014, at 10:16, Dmitry Stogov <dmi...@zend.com> wrote:

> Shifts by negative number may make sense. (N << -1) => (N >> 1)
> At least receiving "false" from shift is not very pleasant.

The problem is that changing from the current behaviour (undefined in C, but 
typically a shift by (PHP_INT_MAX - $bits)) to do what you’d expect (shift in 
the opposite direction) would be a silent BC break. I think it’s better to just 
stop it altogether and raise an E_WARNING, where it’s at least obvious 
something went wrong, than change this behaviour silently.

> In the patch you use SIZEOF_LONG. It probably should be changed to

Will fix, thanks for spotting that.

Andrea Faulds

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