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From: Kalle Sommer Nielsen <>
Date: 2014-12-29 11:17 GMT+01:00
Subject: Re: [PHP-CVS] com php-src: Fix tests I broke with the E_ERROR
> E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR change: tests/output/ob_010.phpt
tests/output/ob_011.phpt tests/output/ob_start_error_005.phpt
To: Stas Malyshev <>

Hi Stas

2014-12-29 9:05 GMT+01:00 Stas Malyshev <>:
> The CI tests still seem to be failing:
> =====================================================================
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> SPL: spl_autoload() and friends [ext/spl/tests/spl_autoload_001.phpt]
> SPL: spl_autoload() with methods [ext/spl/tests/spl_autoload_005.phpt]
> SPL: spl_autoload() with inaccessible methods
> [ext/spl/tests/spl_autoload_007.phpt]
> SPL: spl_autoload() with exceptions [ext/spl/tests/spl_autoload_008.phpt]
> =====================================================================
> Please take a look.

I looked at the tests and:

 * spl_autoload_001.phpt fails with an E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR but that is
not due to my patch (tests with and without)
 * spl_autoload_005.phpt fails due to an E_STRICT (non-static method
called statically)
 * spl_autoload_007.phpt fails due to same reason as
spl_autpload_001.phpt it seems
 * spl_autoload_008.phpt fails due to an E_STRICT like spl_autoload_005.phpt

Maybe my commit message was not too verbose as the change was related
to the recent change in main/output.c (for ob_start() callbacks). When
I ran an `nmake test', I grepped the test results .txt file to find
the places where the error was shown and it was the tests I fixed in
that commit.


Kalle Sommer Nielsen


Kalle Sommer Nielsen

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