Hi Stas,

I really like this RFC. It makes it simple to use defined defaults without the need to know about them of to updated.

But I think adding "default" as new keyword is a big BC break!
I personally also don't like it and asked myself why can't the parameter simply skipped?

    function foo ($a='a', $b='b') {}

    foo(, $b);

Is it possible to use the default parameter on inheritance?

class Bar {
    function foo($a='a', $b='b') {}

class Baz extends Bar {
    function foo($a=default, $b=default) {
        // do something
        parent::foo($a, $b);


Am 02.09.2013 um 09:17 schrieb Stas Malyshev:

I've finally took some time to revive the skipping parameter RFC and
patch. For those who doesn't remember what it is please see:
TLDR version:

The idea is to allow skipping parameters in function with optional
arguments so that this:
    function create_query($where, $order_by, $join_type='INNER', $execute
= false, $report_errors = true)

can be called like this:
     create_query("deleted=0", "name", default, default,
/*report_errors*/ true);

Instead of trying to remember what the defaults are.
The patch is here:


Any comments or feedback on the RFCs and the code are welcome,
especially pointing out the cases where it may not work (which means we
need more phpt's there :)

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